Legal notice

General conditions

Through these General Conditions, users of this website are informed of the conditions which regulate its use. Mere access to this website entails users’ full and unreserved acceptance of these General Conditions, which may be modified by CEPREVEN at any time and without prior notice.



Users are committed to making good use of this website and its services in accordance with these General Conditions, the Law, morality, generally accepted good customs and public order.

Purpose of the website 

This website has the purpose of showing the information of the company and its products. CEPREVEN reserves the right to update, modify or delete this information at any time and without prior notice, also being able to limit or block access to the website.

The information contained on this website is merely indicative, and does not constitute any commercial or contractual relationship between CEPREVEN and the user. CEPREVEN will accept no liability for the effectiveness or preciseness of this information.

Exclusion of liability for the operation of the site and its services:

This website is optimised for a minimum resolution of 800 x 600 pixels, and for viewing through Internet Explorer 6.0 and Netscape 6.0 browsers or later versions of these. CEPREVEN will accept no liability for damages of any type which may be caused to users by using browsers or versions other than those for which the site was designed.



CEPREVEN will accept no liability and will not guarantee access to the site is uninterrupted or that it is free of errors.



CEPREVEN will accept no liability for the liquidated damages of any nature which may arise from the lack of availability or continuity of the site or any of its services or content.

Intellectual and industrial property  

The intellectual and industrial property rights of this website and all its content are owned by CEPREVEN.


Except with express prior authorisation, any distribution, communication, transfer, sale and/or public disclosure of the website or any part of its content is prohibited.



Access to this website does not grant users any rights or ownership of the intellectual property of its content.



The commercial name, brands, logo, products and services contained on this website are protected by Law.


Data protection 

The mere use of this website does not entail the obligation for the user to provide any personal information. In the case of the user providing any personal information, the data provided will be used in the form and with the limitations established by Organic Law 15/1999 of the 13th of December on Personal Data Protection.



Information of this type received by CEPREVEN will not be sold, transferred or loaned to other persons or companies.



CEPREVEN will adopt the necessary technical measures to guarantee the security, confidentiality and integrity of data, as well as to prevent its alteration, loss or unauthorised use.



The personal information necessary for registration for the services offered which require it will also be processed with all requirements established by the aforementioned Organic Law 15/1999 of the 13th of December on Personal Data Protection.




The data collected on this website will be incorporated into a file of personal data, for which CEPREVEN is responsible. Compliance with all rights and obligations contained in this law is guaranteed, particularly those of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition. To exercise these rights, you may write to the following address: Av del General Perón, nº 27 planta 5ª - 28020 Madrid; or email


Information about CEPREVEN

In compliance with Article 10 of Law 34/2002 of the 11th of July on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, users are informed that this website is owned by Asociación de investigación para la seguridad, with registered office at Av. del General Perón, nº 27 planta 5ª - 28020 Madrid, number 15503 in the National Register of Associations with CIF tax identification number: G-28423267.


Non-profit association, declared of Public Utility by the Council of Ministers on 27-XI-1981


Identifying information of the association:
Asociación de Investigación para la Seguridad de Vidas y Bienes
Centro Nacional de Prevención de Daños y Pérdidas

- Entry number 15.503 in the National Register of Associations
- Number 21 in the Register of Research Associations

Applicable law and jurisdiction 

These General Conditions are governed by applicable legislation in Spain. For any dispute which may arise from the application of services or interpretation or application of these General Conditions, the users, expressly waiving their own jurisdiction, subjects themselves to the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid.


Additionally, as a member entity of Confianza Online and in the terms of its Code of Ethics, in case of disputes related with online contracting and advertising, data protection and protection of minors, the user may turn to the extrajudicial dispute resolution system of Confianza Online (