The Cepreven quality seal is a voluntary seal granted to products for which it has been requested, which certify, after having passed the applicable controls, having been manufactured based on high quality standards in the whole process.
To grant the seal, the CEPREVEN auditors examine different aspects related to the manufacturing and quality control of the raw material, the process and the finished product.
The whole manufacturing process, from receipt of materials to delivery of the final product, including different operations and transformations carried out on the materials involved and control of production, must be undertaken based on a quality management system certified in accordance with ISO 9001. This is verified by the auditors through a documentary inspection.
In addition to reviewing this documentary and procedural base, the auditor verifies that the manufacturer has adequate and sufficient means for undertaking the process, as well as for self-evaluation of product quality, both during the different intermediate operations to which the material is subjected, and of the finished product before it is placed on the market. This is carried out in the manufacturer’s installations, where the proper application of manufacturing protocols is checked, and where necessary tests are carried out during the intermediate phases of the process.
Finally, tests are carried out on the finished product to verify that it fulfils the expected quality criteria. In some cases, and depending on the product in question, these tests will be carried out not only on the finished product output from the manufacturing workshop, but on the product distributed on the market.
The product requirements listed will never be lesser than those required by the corresponding European product regulation, if one exists.
The Cepreven quality seal will be granted with a validity of one year. For its renewal, the final product and the production process must be subjected to periodic audits, at least annually, although depending on the type of product, the inspection may be carried out with less frequency.
In case of the inspections detecting any serious discrepancy in the manufacturing process or in the properties or performance of the final product, the seal will be immediately withdrawn.
When a product has passed the corresponding controls and the seal has been granted, it may be found:
For manufacturers, the Cepreven quality seal allows them to present a product on the market, whose performance is tested and evaluated periodically by an external entity.
Additionally, the system provides an additional tool to insurers and end users to identify, within a product range, those whose performance and reliability have been evaluated in periodic controls by a third party.
The seal is granted by CEPREVEN, after its technicians undertake a favourable audit on the product and its manufacturing process.
There is a general procedure regulating the process for granting the seal. Additionally, for each type of product for which the Cepreven quality seal is requested, an inspection and test procedure will be generated, specifically a checklist and evaluation. The inspection and test procedure will examine the inherent aspects of the product or the process evaluated in the controls.
The manufacturer must send a request form to CEPREVEN describing the product it wishes to catalogue and the corresponding manufacturing process. Manufacturers interested may contact management at sellocepreven@cepreven.com to request the seal for a certain product and begin the process for obtaining it.
CEPREVEN will prepare a procedure for the inspection and testing of the product, if one does not exist, which it will subject to public information, as well as a quote for undertaking the necessary audits and controls for granting the seal which will be sent to the applicant. Once the quote is approved and the procedure is underway, necessary additional information on the product will be required, and a schedule of dates will be established for undertaking the inspections.
All requests for the Cepreven quality seal which are rejected after undertaking the corresponding audits will be accompanied by the deviations justifying the rejection. The manufacturer will have the opportunity to put forward the arguments which it deems appropriate against this rejection, or implement the corrective measures necessary to rectify the deviations in a certain period.
For the quote budget request, the manufacturer must fill in the form that can be downloaded here, and send it to listadocepreven@cepreven.com.